Volodymyr Vasylyna's Website


This is an active log of the work we're doing to renovate a 60 sqm apartment located in Kyiv, in one of so-called ‘Stalinka’ buildings. These residential structures date back to the Soviet era and were built during Joseph Stalin's reign, roughly from the late 1930s to the mid-1950s. Our building was built in 1957.

I'll be trying to keep the log updated as we progress.

Oct 27, 2023
Contract signed and the apartment is ours.

Dec 17, 2023
Starting designing the space thanks to Anastasiia, my wife, and MUSO, her interior design studio

Dec 20, 2023
Disconnecting from a gas network and removing a gas pipe and a gas heater

Apr 2, 2024
Removing parquet flooring

Apr 16, 2024
Most of bathroom furniture is ordered and delivered

Apr 26, 2024
Preparing old parquet for transportation to storage while the apartment is under renovation. The plan is to restore and install it back

May 28, 2024
Demolition and removal phase completed

July 4, 2024
Interior design project completed

Aug 30, 2024
Imagicasa, a Belgian interior magazine, published an article about our design project.

Sep 24, 2024
Replacing old heating radiators and pipes with the new ones

Sep 27, 2024
Leveling the floor using expanded polystyrene concrete and applying a semi-dry screed