Just read this post by Kev Quirk listing the things that make him happy. So I figured to sit and think of my own list of some small things that make my day better. Here it is.
- Driving a car. Especially if it's a long ride with my fiancee to a different part of the country.
- Buying and reading a new book. Especially if it's a good-looking, nicely designed book that feels good to the touch. Best if it's written by a contemporary Ukrainian writer.
- Saving money. I feel safe when I realize I was able to do some monthly savings. The more the better.
- Working from a coffee place or a bookstore. Feeling lucky we have lots of such things in Kyiv.
- Doing exercise. To be accurate, I love the feeling of being slightly tired yet relieved after doing exercise.
- Enjoying a nice cool, moderate weather. 20℃ ideally.
- Visiting Lviv for a few days.
- Carpathian mountains. Renting a nice cabin there and chilling.
- Travel abroad. Not possible for me now but hopefully someday I make progress in regards to the list of countries I visited.
- Listening to music. I enjoy Паліндром and Ницо Потворно as well as several cloud rap musicians like Lil Peep, Suisside, Lil Cobaine.
- Drinking Club-Mate, my soft drink of choice.
- Getting into bed after a long day. What a beautiful feeling!
тільки споживання, а де віддача – о 6:00 – Підйом. в 7:00 - Розгін хмар, встановлення гарної погоди. о 8:00-10:00 - Подвиг...? ))