Volodymyr Vasylyna's Website

Slow productivity

I’ve been an opponent of the so-called productivity hustle culture for quite some time now. The workaholism topic is clearly overestimated and often considered in a wrong way. Work must be sustainable.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that working less hours will just put you behind the competition or kick out of the labor market. There shouldn’t be any fear of missing out.

On the contrary, it seems like slowing the workday down will significantly improve the overall quality of life. So will do the harmonization and finding the right balance between working hard and working smart.

A recent research had more than 2500 participants try a four-day workweek. The data revealed that these workers felt more energized and less stressed, owing, in part, to increased amounts of time for socializing and hobbies, and more flexibility to efficiently complete household tasks.

No wonder I’m being skeptical when hearing of somebody working ten-twelve hours a day for weeks without a break. The high chances are that such kind of work is just not that demanding or meaningful.

To succeed, we need fewer things to work on.

Further reading: It’s Time to Embrace Slow Productivity — The New Yorker

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