Volodymyr Vasylyna's Website

I think slow at work

Something that brings a flavor to my work is slow and deliberate thinking. That kind of thinking where you can let ideas marinate without the constant pressure of instant replies. While "fast" often seems synonymous with "efficient", I've found that quality results emerge when you give yourself the time to understand issues deeply.

I'm not anti-speed. I'm all for a lively, dynamic work environment. The catch, for me, is in how we use that speed. I see a fast-paced workplace not as one that's a chaotic whirlwind but as a space where individuals have the freedom to set their own pace, focusing on quality without feeling the need to sacrifice it for quantity.

This approach values going deep rather than spreading yourself thin. It's about taking the time for a little dance with reflection. Instead of speed becoming the ultimate goal, it becomes a tool, helping you get things done without feeling like you're drowning in a sea of tasks.

In my world, this slower, more deliberate thinking has proven to be a way to better decisions and outcomes. I've learned that taking a breather and really thinking through complex problems beats racing towards quick win.

Thinking slow might not be the one-size-fits-all solution for every type of work. We live in a diverse world where different tasks demand different approaches. Some situations call for the quick reflexes of a sprinter, and I'm all for adapting to the needs of the moment. What works for me might not work for someone else.

The beauty lies in the variety of work styles and the recognition that different tasks may require different speeds. So, while I'm an advocate for slow and deliberate thinking, it's more of an invitation to consider the merits of this approach.

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